Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Back
"The Traveling Gavel"
The traveling gavel will debut in District 26-M5 effective July 1, 2009! It will be coming soon to a club near you. The 26-M5 gavel loves to travel, it is always on the look out for new places to see and people to meet. So if the gavel travels to your club, as lovely as it is, you can't keep it. While the gavel resides with a club, the club will be charged a fee of $1 per day for each day they have it. So please take it to meet more people and see more places. The gavel must return to its rightful home; the District Governor no later than the 3rd week of June each year. This will definitely give the gavel an opportunity to "refurb" it's self and prepare for another year of adventurous travel!
Here are the rules:
1. The gavel must stay within the boundaries of District 26-M5.
2. The club that is presenting the gavel must notify their Zone Chairperson via email and cc the District Governor that they no longer have the gavel.
3. The gavel may not reside at the same club more than once in the Lionistic year. (July 1- June 30)
4. After a club receives the gavel they start paying "gavel support" of $1 for every day it is in their possession. Accepting the gavel is not optional; clubs should be cordial to their presenters and graciously accept the honor of now enjoying the company of the "traveling gavel. "
Important Note: Once the gavel has been passed along; the club passing the gavel must send the email notification; please list the names of all the members that traveled for the visit. Don't have email. we will definite take a phone call! (See rule 2)
How does a club transfer ownership of the gavel?
It's simple:
1. The club that possesses the gavel must have a minimum of 4 members travel to another club for a regular meeting and present the gavel to any club officer.
2. If less than 4 members travel for the visit, the transfer is not official, and "gavel support" does not transfer. And the gavel must be presented to a club officer.
3. You may receive a credit of $1 per member for every member over 4 that are present for the visit.
(Example: If a club has the gavel in it's possession for 10 days, gavel support is $10. However if said club takes 9 members on the visit to transfer ownership, the club would have a 5 member credit @ $1 per member and gavel support is $5.)
Here is the rest of the story:
After discussing the travelling gavel program with First VDG Lion Johnny Stabno, we realized that with 65 clubs we wanted to give more opportunities for the gavel to visit other clubs. Therefore, we have designed a second travelling gavel. Lion Stabno volunteered to take possession of the second gavel and presented it to his home club, the Independence Host Lions. It will, hopefully, begin its journey soon.

Because of the addition of the second travelling gavel, we have amended the rules just slightly. When a club receives a traveling gavel, it must be taken to a club in a different Region other than the region their club is in. All other rules remain the same.

As to the first travelling gavel, my home club, the Belton Lions took possession on July 1st, but it has already started its journey around the district. Lion Cathy and I were joined by seven other members of my club when we visited the Orrick Lions Club last Tuesday, Jul 21st. My club president Lion Phil Trued and I presented the outgoing club president, Lion Kenny Goetz, and the incoming club president, Lion Bruce Dugan, with the prestigious traveling gavel and secured the promise of the Orrick Lions taking the gavel on a trip, very soon.

I reported to the Cabinet Treasurer that traveling gavel # 1 was handed off to the
Orrick Lions Club on Tues, July 21, 2009 by the Belton Lions Club. Gavel support would be as follows:

Gavel Support from 1Jul-21Jul = 20 days X $1 per day = $20.00
9 Belton Lions attended: 4 minimum required;
Credit for 5 lions more than minimum ($1 each) = minus $ 5.00
Total $15.00

Gavel Support Due to District $15.00

I hope that one of the travelling gavels is able to visit your club soon. Be sure and send an email to our Cabinet Treasurer, Lion Gerry Wachsmann, when you drop off a gavel so we can keep track of their locations and also how much gavel support the district will collect.

Good luck!

Lion Tom R.....
District Governor

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